Ни один сайт не может обойтись без базы данных. Давайте посмотрим как её можно создать, и как можно импортировать вашу базу данных на хостинг NIC.UA [https://nic.ua/hosting/website]. * Создание баз...
In addition to the main domain, which you specify when ordering NIC.UA hosting [https://nic.ua/hosting/website], you can create additional sites: either with additional domains or with subdomains. The...
Хостинг в первую очередь нужен для размещения вашего сайта. Чтобы загрузить файлы на сайт, есть два основных инструмента: «Диспетчер файлов» cPanel и старый-добрый FTP-протокол. * Загрузка файлов с...
NIC.UA hosting allows you to create up to 10,000 electronic mailboxes (email) with addresses like manager@company.ua. This way, instead of using free email services, you can create your own mailbox on...
The cPanel control panel is installed on the NIC.UA hosting servers [https://nic.ua/hosting/website]: one of the most popular and recognizable. If you transfer your site to NIC.UA from another hosting...
By default, port 3306 is closed for external connections, so users cannot connect to the database remotely. However, we can open the port for a specific user if the purpose of this connection does not...
Why you should set the correct rights to files and folders discussed in the article Access rights to files and folders on hosting [https://support.nic.ua/en-us/article/448]. In this article, we will l...
There is an important section Email Routing in cPanel, which is responsible for the correctness of forwarding emails between users. You can access it from within the Email section of the cPanel hostin...
In your cPanel hosting account, there are many ways to set up mail forwarding. Now let's look at how to configure it using the Global Email Filters menu.[img src="https://nic.kayako.com/base/media/url...
In the cPanel hosting control panel, in the Domains column, there is a Zone Editor item.[img src="https://nic.kayako.com/base/media/url/PEK484kaiqRTbSmWi1ctQspDhozW32QD"] In this menu it is possible ...