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How to change the owner of a domain?

To change the owner of a domain, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Download the application (templates for legal entities and individuals are in the attached files). The application needs to be filled in by the current domain owner.
  2. Transmit the application according to the instructions "How to prepare a written request to NIC.UA."

For security reasons, after the change of the domain owner, the repeated change and/or transfer of the domain to another registrar will be possible not earlier than 30 days, and for international domains - 60 days.

⚠️Please note:

  • to confirm the change of ownership in an international domain, the current and future owner will receive two letters to their email addresses. Only after confirmation of the link in the letter the owner of the domain will be changed,
  • if the owner of the domain is not the owner of a personal account on NIC.UA, in which the domain is managed, then after receiving the documents, the support service will send an additional request with a copy of your application to the e-mail of the owner of the personal account. If the answer from the owner of the personal cabinet is not received within 3 days, the request to change the data will be executed.


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