If the rights of ownership of your trademark are being transferred to another person, follow these steps to change the .UA domain owner in WHOIS:
- two applications need to be filled in (from the current registrant and from the new holder of the TM certificate) please find the templates below this instruction;
- attach one of three document packages to the application:
- A copy of the Ukrpatent decision of an ownership transfer for the trademark.
- A copy of a Statement of the State Register and a copy of the last page of the ownership transfer agreement (certified by both parties) marked by the Ukrpatent.
- Copy of the certificate, issued in the name of the new owner.
Current and new registrants have to transmit these documents in accordance with the instructions in the article "How to prepare a written request to NIC.UA". If one of the parties does not have an electronic digital signature, the documents of such party should be sent in paper form by mail.
Oleksii Momot