If for any reason the domain owner’s contact (“Registrant”) is not established in your domain, or the registrar's service data is set, then the owner’s contact must be actualized.
By default in such cases the domain registrant in NIC.UA is considered the owner of the personal account, since a public offer was made with him.
If the owner of the personal account and domain match, then just select a contact or create a new one on the "Contacts" page.
After the contact is created, an identifier of the type “XXXXXXX-NIC” is assigned to it. Then please apply to support with such data:
- domain name,
- contact ID (XXXXXXX-NIC),
- PIN code for support.
After that, the registrant data will be updated in the domain. Then you can check its relevance in your NIC.UA account.
Oleksii Momot