There are many cases when we need to check the delivery of a particular letter. If you use mail on our hosting with the cPanel control panel, you have the opportunity to track the delivery status and...
Webmail is a very convenient alternative to the mail client. You just open your domain mail through your browser, as you open mail from Google or any other service. If you have both your website and ...
Webmail is a very convenient alternative to the mail client. You just open your domain mail through your browser, as you open mail from Google or any other service. If you have both your website and ...
If you use free Gmail mail, but you also have your own personal domain with a personal email, after a series of simple settings you will be able to send letters from your domain's email using your usu...
If you need to notify your colleagues or clients about the vacation, or to confirm receipt of the letter automatically, then you can use the Autoresponders function. The function will allow you to cre...
If you need to notify your colleagues or clients about the vacation, or to confirm receipt of the letter automatically, then you can use the Autoresponders function. The function will allow you to cre...
NIC.UA hosting allows you to create up to 10 000 different e-mails with addresses like Thus, instead of using free email services you will be able to create your own box on your do...