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Hosting: how to set up features

  • How can I fix the display of a link to a website in Telegram?

    Many services cache site data to reduce the time it takes to load later. Also, Telegram often caches data, but this cache can be cleared manually. You can refresh the preview cache using the bot @Web...

  • Other basic .htaccess features

    In this article, we'll look at a few more directives that will be useful when developing and customizing your own website. The .htaccess file can be used to determine the encoding of the website. The...

  • Basic .htaccess features: mod_rewrite redirection module

    The mod_rewrite module is an indispensable mechanism for quickly changing URLs. The main advantage is the large number of redirection rules. The module is activated using the following directives: > ...

  • Basic .htaccess features: dealing with web server errors and setting up a 301 redirect

    In this article, we'll look at how you can use the .htaccess file to set up custom error pages. We will also give an example of how to set up permanent redirection for an entire site or a specific pag...

  • For what does .htaccess file for and its syntax

    The .htaccess file is used to set the rules for the web server only within a specific directory where it is located, without affecting the entire server. This file name is generally accepted, so you c...

  • Basic .htaccess features: access control

    The .htaccess file allows you to set different types of restrictions depending on your individual needs. 1. You can deny all users access to the directory in which this file is located. To do this, u...

  • Как запретить ботам посещать сайт?

    На скорость загрузки сайта, помимо параметров сервера где расположен сайт, влияет нагрузка на сайт со стороны роботов различных сервисов и спам-ботов. Поэтому, очень полезно запретить нежелательным “п...

  • Why isn't the mysqli_connect () function working in PHP 8.0?

    PHP 8.0 is available on NIC.UA hosting servers since February 2, 2021. This version has some features that are important to consider when choosing it. For the mysqli_connect () function to work corre...

  • How do I change the site's URL in OpenCart?

    Changing the URL is required in two cases: if the domain name of the site changes or if you need to change the HTTP protocol to HTTPS. Editing the address is done manually, so you need to go to the r...

  • Как изменить доменное имя сайта в WordPress

    Изменить домен сайта полностью или изменить протокол в адресе можно с помощью инструмента в настройках WordPress. Сначала авторизуйтесь в панели администратора сайта. Для этого используйте адрес your...