- On all hosting servers, PHP runs in CGI mode. (changing of is impossible). Please see the php documentation (Chapter 24. If PHP is installed as CGI)
- By default, on all new servers register_globals = off. You can enable it only upon request to the tech. support.
- In .htaccess, commands like php_admin_value are not processed, php_value, this leads to the message 500 - Internal Server Error
- PHP runs under your login, as a result it is not recommended creating folders and files with 777/666 access rights. All files that were created through PHP are editable via FTP and vice versa.
- It is possible to install additional modules for PHP, on demand and justification.
- External connections from port 25 are prohibited from the server. Sending mail is possible only through the standard php functions.
- There is a restriction on sending mail of no more than 1000 letters per hour. If you exceed the limit or abuse, your account will be blocked.
- All servers use CPU server monitoring. Not large jumps are allowed, but not more than 10% per day. With a heavy load, the account will be blocked until all circumstances are clarified.
The servers provide protection against small DDOS attacks using the nginx server.
Oleksii Momot