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Trial hosting limitations.

When it comes to test hosting, it should be understood that according to its characteristics, this is the same service that you can order from us for a fee, but with a reduced validity period and free registration.

But still, there are some differences between test hosting and paid one:

  1. There can be only one active trial hosting order in the NIC.UA account. All repeated orders of the same type will be automatically closed as long as you have at least one active order with a trial period in your NIC.UA account.
  2. Since this is a free order, it is executed only after confirming your account email address. Such a request is sent immediately after the creation of the NIC.UA account. If you do not find a letter with a request in your mailbox, contact the NIC.UA support service and we will send you a letter again.
  3. If during the process of testing it became necessary to change the hosting tariff, then when switching to a new package, the service becomes paid. To change the tariff, in the "Hosting" menu, opposite the service you need, click on the gear and in the field with the package name, click on the "change" link. You select a new tariff, the system issues an invoice that you need to pay before the tariff of your order changes.
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  1. Oleksii Momot

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