There are two domain zones in Ukraine, which can be registered only via the administrator of the domain zone and only by special procedure.
These are domains GOV.UA and EDU.UA. The first one is intended for the government entities of Ukraine, and the second one for higher education institutions. Domain registration rules can be found at and respectively.
To get such a domain, you need to fill in a sample letter and send it to the administrator of the domain zone. Besides the usual paperwork, you will need:
- Create a UANIC contact, if you didn't get one already. You can do this at the Domain Zone Administrator website —;
- As a technical contact, use the NIC.UA contact, it's «NIC-UANIC».
You will also need the name servers from NIC.UA: you can order them at
The first three months are free, so you can order them in advance, even before you fill out the registration letter itself ?
You will need to provide the list of NIC.UA name servers:
After that, there is no technical obstacles to domain registration.
After the registration itself, you can also add the domain to your account on NIC.UA, to manage it through a dashboard instead of sending letters by mail to the administrator of the domain. The service have a small fee, but the convenience of using the domain increases ten folds. To add a domain to your dashboard, create a request to our support.
Eldar Polishchuk