There are situations when we once again check the information in the WHOIS about our domain and find out that the address is no longer relevant there.
How can you change such data?
In the case if you want to change only the physical address in the contacts in WHOIS, while the identity of the owner, email and phone number remain the same, your authorized support request is enough to update the information in WHOIS of such domain.
On the page, make a request, where indicate:
— domain name,
— old address,
— new address (city, street, house number, apartment, postal code),
— pin-code from the "Dashboard" menu of your NIC.UA account.
After receiving your request, the NIC.UA support representative will ask you for additional confirmation by email or phone. If you agree, he will inform you during which time the data with your new address in WHOIS will be updated.
Oleksii Momot